Surya Grahan- solar eclipse
Although the sun will not be visible from sunset onwards our scriptures espouse
that we should not engage in pleasurable activities like sleep, eating (unless
suffering from severe health conditions) or any other form of entertainment during
the period of difficulty on Sri Surya Devta. We should avoid Sewa to Devi/Devta
murtis. We should avoid Sewa to own self like applying oil, etc.
We should avoid telling lies to anyone. We should not have sight/view or darshan
of an the eclipse. Do japa of Gayatri mantra and or Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudeva
Namha whilst the grahan is on.
If possible, fasting should be observed from 9 hours before a lunar eclipse begins,
and 12 hours before a solar eclipse begins. Water is ok. (Offerings of food to God
should not me made during this time).
If the eclipse is to be before sunrise, we should fast from sunset the evening
before. During the eclipse no water or food should be taken.
A devotee who attains Ma Saraswati's blessings derives auspicious and Satwic
knowledge - thus ending darkness and ignorance.
Pregnant women should not go outside, and should relax in bed as much as
possible. Children should be encouraged to stay indoors.
Tulsi leaves should be placed on top of any food cooked prior to the eclipse to
avoid any type of contamination.
It is often recommended that to get proper cleansing after the eclipse we should
bathe (cold water is best) in the clothes we are wearing, and avoid touching
anything before bathing.
Anything that has become contaminated by accidentally touching before bathing
should be sprinkled with Gangajal (holy water).
We should wash our clothes and clean our homes after the eclipse.
After bathing and cleaning the house people should make donations to charity.
Regions seeing at least a partial eclipse: Europe, North/East Asia, North/West
Africa, West in North America, Atlantic, Arctic. Please contact Sydney Observatory
on +612 9921 3485 for further details.
that we should not engage in pleasurable activities like sleep, eating (unless
suffering from severe health conditions) or any other form of entertainment during
the period of difficulty on Sri Surya Devta. We should avoid Sewa to Devi/Devta
murtis. We should avoid Sewa to own self like applying oil, etc.
We should avoid telling lies to anyone. We should not have sight/view or darshan
of an the eclipse. Do japa of Gayatri mantra and or Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudeva
Namha whilst the grahan is on.
If possible, fasting should be observed from 9 hours before a lunar eclipse begins,
and 12 hours before a solar eclipse begins. Water is ok. (Offerings of food to God
should not me made during this time).
If the eclipse is to be before sunrise, we should fast from sunset the evening
before. During the eclipse no water or food should be taken.
A devotee who attains Ma Saraswati's blessings derives auspicious and Satwic
knowledge - thus ending darkness and ignorance.
Pregnant women should not go outside, and should relax in bed as much as
possible. Children should be encouraged to stay indoors.
Tulsi leaves should be placed on top of any food cooked prior to the eclipse to
avoid any type of contamination.
It is often recommended that to get proper cleansing after the eclipse we should
bathe (cold water is best) in the clothes we are wearing, and avoid touching
anything before bathing.
Anything that has become contaminated by accidentally touching before bathing
should be sprinkled with Gangajal (holy water).
We should wash our clothes and clean our homes after the eclipse.
After bathing and cleaning the house people should make donations to charity.
Regions seeing at least a partial eclipse: Europe, North/East Asia, North/West
Africa, West in North America, Atlantic, Arctic. Please contact Sydney Observatory
on +612 9921 3485 for further details.